sudo su - aptitude install git-core && aptitude update && aptitude upgrade git clone git:// git clone git://
cd ~/wiringPi/ && git pull origin
[root@picka_malinova wiringPi]# cd ~/wiringPi [root@picka_malinova wiringPi]# ./build ./build wiringPi Build script ===================== WiringPi Library sudo: unable to resolve host picka_malinova [UnInstall] [Compile] wiringPi.c [Compile] wiringSerial.c [Compile] wiringShift.c [Compile] piHiPri.c [Compile] piThread.c [Compile] wiringPiSPI.c [Compile] wiringPiI2C.c [Compile] softPwm.c [Compile] softTone.c [Compile] mcp23008.c [Compile] mcp23016.c [Compile] mcp23017.c [Compile] mcp23s08.c [Compile] mcp23s17.c [Compile] sr595.c [Compile] pcf8574.c [Compile] pcf8591.c [Compile] mcp3002.c [Compile] mcp3004.c [Compile] mcp4802.c [Compile] mcp3422.c [Compile] max31855.c [Compile] max5322.c [Compile] ads1115.c [Compile] sn3218.c [Compile] drcSerial.c [Compile] wpiExtensions.c [Link (Dynamic)] sudo: unable to resolve host picka_malinova [Install Headers] [Install Dynamic Lib] WiringPi Devices Library sudo: unable to resolve host picka_malinova [UnInstall] [Compile] ds1302.c [Compile] gertboard.c [Compile] maxdetect.c [Compile] piNes.c [Compile] piFace.c [Compile] lcd128x64.c [Compile] lcd.c [Compile] scrollPhat.c [Compile] piGlow.c [Link (Dynamic)] sudo: unable to resolve host picka_malinova [Install Headers] [Install Dynamic Lib] GPIO Utility [Compile] gpio.c [Compile] readall.c [Compile] pins.c [Link] sudo: unable to resolve host picka_malinova [Install] All Done. NOTE: To compile programs with wiringPi, you need to add: -lwiringPi to your compile line(s) To use the Gertboard, MaxDetect, etc. code (the devLib), you need to also add: -lwiringPiDev to your compile line(s).
[root@picka_malinova wiringPi]# gpio -v gpio version: 2.32 Copyright (c) 2012-2015 Gordon Henderson This is free software with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. For details type: gpio -warranty Raspberry Pi Details: Type: Model B, Revision: 03, Memory: 512MB, Maker: Sony * Device tree is enabled. * This Raspberry Pi supports user-level GPIO access. -> See the man-page for more details -> ie. export WIRINGPI_GPIOMEM=1
[root@picka_malinova wiringPi]# gpio readall +-----+-----+---------+------+---+-Model B2-+---+------+---------+-----+-----+ | BCM | wPi | Name | Mode | V | Physical | V | Mode | Name | wPi | BCM | +-----+-----+---------+------+---+----++----+---+------+---------+-----+-----+ | | | 3.3v | | | 1 || 2 | | | 5v | | | | 2 | 8 | SDA.1 | ALT0 | 1 | 3 || 4 | | | 5V | | | | 3 | 9 | SCL.1 | ALT0 | 1 | 5 || 6 | | | 0v | | | | 4 | 7 | GPIO. 7 | IN | 0 | 7 || 8 | 0 | IN | TxD | 15 | 14 | | | | 0v | | | 9 || 10 | 1 | IN | RxD | 16 | 15 | | 17 | 0 | GPIO. 0 | IN | 0 | 11 || 12 | 0 | IN | GPIO. 1 | 1 | 18 | | 27 | 2 | GPIO. 2 | IN | 0 | 13 || 14 | | | 0v | | | | 22 | 3 | GPIO. 3 | IN | 0 | 15 || 16 | 0 | IN | GPIO. 4 | 4 | 23 | | | | 3.3v | | | 17 || 18 | 0 | IN | GPIO. 5 | 5 | 24 | | 10 | 12 | MOSI | ALT0 | 0 | 19 || 20 | | | 0v | | | | 9 | 13 | MISO | ALT0 | 0 | 21 || 22 | 1 | IN | GPIO. 6 | 6 | 25 | | 11 | 14 | SCLK | ALT0 | 0 | 23 || 24 | 1 | OUT | CE0 | 10 | 8 | | | | 0v | | | 25 || 26 | 1 | OUT | CE1 | 11 | 7 | +-----+-----+---------+------+---+----++----+---+------+---------+-----+-----+ | 28 | 17 | GPIO.17 | IN | 0 | 51 || 52 | 0 | IN | GPIO.18 | 18 | 29 | | 30 | 19 | GPIO.19 | IN | 0 | 53 || 54 | 0 | IN | GPIO.20 | 20 | 31 | +-----+-----+---------+------+---+----++----+---+------+---------+-----+-----+ | BCM | wPi | Name | Mode | V | Physical | V | Mode | Name | wPi | BCM | +-----+-----+---------+------+---+-Model B2-+---+------+---------+-----+-----+ [root@picka_malinova wiringPi]#
vim /etc/udev/rules.d/20-gpio.rules
- add there
SUBSYSTEM=="bcm2835-gpiomem", KERNEL=="gpiomem", GROUP="gpio", MODE="0660" SUBSYSTEM=="gpio", KERNEL=="gpiochip*", ACTION=="add", PROGRAM="/bin/sh -c 'chown root:gpio /sys/class/gpio/export /sys/class/gpio/unexport ; chmod 220 /sys/class/gpio/export /sys/class/gpio/unexport'" SUBSYSTEM=="gpio", KERNEL=="gpio*", ACTION=="add", PROGRAM="/bin/sh -c 'chown root:gpio /sys%p/active_low /sys%p/direction /sys%p/edge /sys%p/value ; chmod 660 /sys%p/active_low /sys%p/direction /sys%p/edge /sys%p/value'"
echo "setenv WIRINGPI_GPIOMEM 1' >> ~/.bashrc