Project owner: | lichnak, PeterBay |
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License: | Uveďte původ-Zachovejte licenci; CC BY-SA |
NodeMCU - MQTT Klient
MQTT klient zapisuje do teplotu na server. Server zpracuje mqtt zprávu zapíše ji mongodb databáze.
JavaScript mqtt2mongodb.js
var mqtt=require('mqtt') var mongodb=require('mongodb'); var mongodbClient=mongodb.MongoClient; var mongodbURI='mongodb://' var deviceRoot="demo/device/" var collection,client; mongodbClient.connect(mongodbURI,setupCollection); function setupCollection(err,db) { if(err) throw err; collection=db.collection("test_mqtt"); client=mqtt.createClient(1883,'localhost') client.subscribe(deviceRoot+"+") client.on('message', insertEvent); } function insertEvent(topic,payload) { var key=topic.replace(deviceRoot,''); collection.update( { _id:key }, { $push: { events: { event: { value:payload, when:new Date() } } } }, { upsert:true }, function(err,docs) { if(err) { console.log("Insert fail"); } } ) }
Configure and add JavaScript mqtt2mongodb.js file to pm2
pm2 start C:\Users\<USER-NAME>\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\mqtt2mongodb.js --save