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IRC howtos, #labka channel, IRSSI magic & scripts, SECRETARY <3
Project status: | ACTIVE | Language: ![]() |
Project owner: | Overdrive | ||
Interested: | peterbay, dave@page, embargo | ||
Related: | Best IRC Logs – GitHub - Labka Repo : Secretary scripts – GitHub : Over's IRSSI config - comment-less | ||
linkz: |;;; | ||
License: | Uveďte původ-Zachovejte licenci CC BY-SA |
Total basics of IRSSI and screen
* ssh yourself to Darkstar [exLabka Shell] :
screen -U irssi /connect /nick your_nick /save /j #labka [ /wc ] - closing chat window [j #labka_secret] - connect to other chat room [/help any_command - will give you help for commands, it is accepting tab as Linux command line]
ctrl+p or n - switching between chat windows [rooms] - ala alt+tab ctrl + number [or qwerty when over 10] - switching to direct number of window [/window list will show you which window is which #]
screen -list - will give you list of all screens opened and running screen -rdU - will switch you to reattached screen window
inside screen:
screen is accepting ctrl + a [something] ctrl + a + d - detach screen [reattach by screen -rdU from command line] ctrl + a + c - create new screen window ctrl + a + a - rotate between screen windows [again like alt+tab]
Nice howtos: *
* moar about screen:
* nice .screenrc
hardstatus alwayslastline hardstatus string '%{= kG}[ %{G}%H %{g}][%= %{= kw}%?%-Lw%?%{r}(%{W}%n*%f%t%?(%u)%?%{r})%{w}%?%+Lw%?%?%= %{g}][%{B} %d/%m %{W}%c %{g}]' vbell off startup_message off defscrollback 2048
Use hilight to show regexp word [typical your nick]
insight irssi
/window new split /window name hilight /window size 6 /layout save
Channel with password
If you're an op on that channel, you can use the following
/MODE #channel +k MyPrivateKey In order to join the above protected channel, use
/JOIN #channel MyPrivateKey Remember to change the word “channel” with your channel name and “MyPrivateKey” to your desired password.
AutoJoin channels
* If you want to auto-join some channels, you can add them the same way as well:
/channel add -auto #irssi Freenode /channel add -auto #xkcd Foonetic
* - game were you are supposed to do nothing, trust me and try it
/msg IdleBot REGISTER NAME PASSWORD PROFESSION /msg IdleBot LOGIN NAME PASSWPRD /msg IdleBot LOGOUT /msg IdleBot NEWPASS <new password> /channel help /channel add -auto #idlerpg freenode
IRC applications and tools
- notify android cell phone :
- connect IRC to Slack:
SECRETARY BOT : How does it work
- you need running IRSSI instance and your bot is just one IRSSI identity, best is to run single instance of IRSSI in screen somewhere
- configuration of bot is done by IRSSI, so you want have it named, connect somewhere… IRSSI is your friend
- repository papalala will show you how to get data from IRC and return it back to IRC
- in case you are going to test, please do not test your progress on #labka channel, create your own
Where to test existing instances
IRC Chat: #labka on freenode (just enter a nickname, connect and chat)
Existing instances info
Overdrive actual functionality of Secretary bot on #labka channel:
!spoj "jizdni rad -- from -- to" pro ostatni jizdni rady e.g. `spoj vlak -- from -- to !btc [x] - btc day average, czk-usd, [Xczk = Ybtc] !decide A -- B - will return you A or B, kind of random !skladiste - funny example how to query web page !csfd what film - query !labka rss - show last 3 updates of this wiki !banka Secretary: whatever - hailobot will return you pseudo Alice bot answer
repo for IRSSI scripts: actual fucntionality by pbbot on #labka channel:
`csfd what film - query `dpo A -- B - public transport query, from A to B `labka rss - will give you updates of Labka page `wiki what - will return wikipedia query to you `spoj from -- to == Ostrava `spoj "jizdni rad -- from -- to" pro ostatni jizdni rady e.g. `spoj vlak -- from -- to `banka - parse Labka bank account
NonBOT commands
/alias ToDo /exec echo "$0-" >> ~/ToDo.txt - add something to file, called as /ToDo whatever /alias ToDol /exec cat ~/ToDo.txt - read that file, called as /ToDol /alias ToDod /exec grep -v "$0" ~/ToDo.txt > ~/ToDo.tmp && mv ~/ToDo.tmp ~/ToDo.txt - delete $0 from ~/ToDo.txt /alias Idea /exec echo "$0-" >> ~/Idea_irssi_note.txt - add something to file, called as /Idea whatever /alias Ideal /exec cat ~/Idea_irssi_note.txt - read that file, called as /Ideal /alias Random /exec dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1 count=23 2>/dev/null | base64 -w 0 | rev | cut -b 2- | rev /alias MOTD /exec cat /home/share/irssi_motd_news.txt - news for all to add and remove manually, will be shown at 9:00 and 23:59
- script used for this command set is :
# Short help/usage: # /jobadd hour minute day_of_month month day_of_week command # Possibile switches for jobadd: # -disabled # -server <tag> # -<number> # /jobs [-v] # /jobdel [-finished] | job_number # /jobdisable job_number # /jobenable job_number # /jobssave # /jobsload # # Examples of usage: # /jobadd 17 45 * * * /echo This will be executed at 17:45 # /jobadd -5 17 45 * * * /echo The same as above but only 5 times # /jobadd * 05 * * * /echo Execute this every hour 5 minutes after the hour # /jobadd */6 0 * * * /echo Execute at 0:0, 6:0, 12:0, 18:0 # /jobadd * */30,45 * * * /echo Execute every hour at 00, 30, 45 minute # /jobadd * 1-15/5 * * * /echo at 1,6,11
Actually used cron on #labka channels
01:03:22 -!- Irssi: Current Jobs: 01:03:22 -!- Irssi: 0) -server freenode 23 59 * * * /msg #labka `banka 01:03:22 -!- Irssi: 1) -server freenode 23 59 * * * /msg #labka !labka rss 01:03:22 -!- Irssi: 2) -server freenode 12 00 * * * /msg #labka !labka rss 01:03:22 -!- Irssi: 3) -server freenode 12 00 * * * /msg #labka `banka 01:03:22 -!- Irssi: 4) -server freenode 23 58 * * * /exec fortune -s | tr -d '\012\015\011'; 01:03:22 -!- Irssi: 5) -server freenode 01 00 28 04 * /topic #labka : Hackerspace Ostrava : Remember Shoah 01:03:22 -!- Irssi: 6) -server freenode 23 59 04 11 * /topic #labka : Hackerspace Ostrava : remember remember the 5th of november 01:03:22 -!- Irssi: 7) -server freenode * * 23 6 * /topic #labka : Hackerspace Ostrava : Happy Birthday Alan Turing & Johannes Gutenberg 01:03:22 -!- Irssi: End of List
BOT megabro
* owned and managed by : Embargo
Adelajka> megabro: help <megabro> Adelajka: (help [<plugin>] [<command>]) -- This command gives a useful description of what <command> does. <plugin> is only necessary if the command is in more than one plugin. You may also want to use the 'list' command to list all available plugins and commands. Adelajka> megabro: version The current (running) version of this Limnoria is 2017.08.18, running on Python 3.6.3 (default, Oct 3 2017, 21:45:48) [GCC 7.2.0]. The newest versions available online are 2019.02.22 (in master), 2019.05.28 (in testing).
BOT megabro : known functionality
@roulett - - russian roulette @title [URL] - is returning HTML tag <title> @Admin, @AutoMode @Channel @ChannelLogger @ChannelStats @Config @Games @Google @Misc @Network @NickAuth @Owner @Topic @User @Utilities @Web
- find a way how to query day events based on date and potentially Google Doodle
Ignore connect, join, part
/ignore #openstack MODES JOINS PARTS QUITS
Notes [to remove and so]
- add complete dependences to git for easy deploy
- write parser for IDOS
Wiky parser
deploy this according Pasky howto
20:00:25 < pasky_> jo,
20:00:53 < pasky_> konkr. ./ ./ brmwiki \#brmlab 1 »brmwiki.log 2>&1 &
Exectute command PERL
- by Veverak, Base48 :
my $sourcedir = dirname(__FILE__)."/foh"; { local $CWD = $sourcedir; my @CMD = ("fop", "-c", "fop-config.xml", "-xml", $xml,"-xsl", "report-pdf.xsl", "-pdf", $pdf); my $string = join(' ', @CMD); $RT::Logger->debug("Executing command: ", $string ); my ($err, $out); IPC::Run::run( \@CMD, '>', \$out, '2>', \$err ); my @lines = split /\n/, $out; foreach my $line (@lines) { $RT::Logger->info("FOP STDOUT: ".$line); } my @erlines = split /\n/, $err; foreach my $erline (@erlines) { $RT::Logger->warning("FOP STDERR: ".$erline); } if ( $? == -1 ) { $m->out("command failed: $!\n"); return (0, "", ""); } else { if( $? >> 8 != 0 ) { $m->out("command exited with value ", $? >> 8); return (0, "", ""); } } }
Usefull commands on
## reguster your nick /msg NickServ REGISTER password ## identify registered nick /msg NickServ identify PWD ## give nick OP ad hoc on channel /msg ChanServ OP #CHaNNel NICK
## give nick op and auto-op /msg chanserv flags #CHANnEL NICK +Oo ## list flags of channel /msg chanserv flags #CHANnEL
## allow external messages to channel, use when configuring GitHub bot [repo, settings, webHooks] /msg ChanServ set #CHANNELNAME mlock -nc
screen -U #to understand UTF-8 create new window C-a c change to last-visited active window C-a C-a (commonly used to flip-flop between two windows)
cpan / cpanm
* install cpanm
curl -L | perl - --sudo App::cpanminus cpanm
channel modes
/msg ChanServ set #CHANNELNAME mlock -nc
ToDo : ToTest
XDCC, DCC - File transfer - file server
- - to test file transfer functionality of IRC channel
- search engine for DCC downloadable files:
- - notify from IRC to IOS, Android and …