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Transmitting sound frequencies by using the modulated laser beam

Project owner: Ivan_Ahepjuk

Main goal: get to the at least step 7

Introduction: Hopefully there will not be big fails. Still, It would be challenge to tune and tweak the concept and build robust design with using as little parts as possible. I would like to use green laser, because i got it at home and I think that its strong enough to transfer from my rooftop to the Ema hill.

Main solution:

Step 0: Initial research: My green Laser diode (from green laser poiter, ebay, 4dollars) is emmitting light if there is around 2.4V on it. Difference between laser “off” and laser “on” is couple of 10mV (while sinking 0 - 250mA). Therefore, one way is to amplify the amplitude of sound signal to lets say 20mV, then add a reference around 2.4V, make the signal more robust by voltage buffer and feed this to the laser. But 1] This solution doesnt count with intensity loses on the way from laser emittor to the receiver and 2] It would be pain in the ass to calibrate this and it would change with “each blow of the wind”. There are better way and they are called modulation.

Step 1: Initial design: This is basic idea how to build the transmitter.

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Step 2: simulation by LTspice (maybe little tutorial how to use ltspice would be more than good) Cannot upload pictures:/ Step 3: Photo of actual prototype Cannot upload pictures:/ Step 4: stay tuned