Everyday routines hurts … a lot, so here I'm going to collect things to work smarter with computers, mainky Mac and Linux OS-es.
So this will be list to things to learn, use, install & in case it will be good to share.
Usefull config files and scripts are going to be colected here too.
http://portingkit.com/en/ - nice solution howto make DOS/WINDOWS game running on MACosX [in my case Stalker : Shadow of Chernobyl]
* investigate howto make DCC functional and run DCC server on Darkstar
* reuse of wiki change to
IRC from brmlab
* plan the door open/closed to finish
* to wake up GIT on server and git knowledge
* configure VIM between work servers [by GIT ideally] + . config tmux [learn tmux serach]
package manager for Fish shell