====== To investigate howto work smarter, learn and use to be more effective ====== Everyday routines hurts ... a lot, so here I'm going to collect things to work smarter with computers, mainky Mac and Linux OS-es. So this will be list to things to learn, use, install & in case it will be good to share. Usefull config files and scripts are going to be colected here too. * https://forum.hackthebox.eu/discussion/891/nightmare-write-up-by-0xea31 * http://www.apptivateapp.com/ - universal hotkeys to every appliaction, need to check how to use it effectively * https://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/48796/iterm-as-a-slide-out-terminal-from-the-top-of-the-screen - quake style terminal form Mac * https://github.com/manateelazycat/deepin-terminal - really nice and easy terminal with special functionality of makro to keyboar shortcuts [howto edit it, once it is already there?] * https://www.deepin.org/en/original/deepin-terminal/ - once more DeepIN terminal * https://books.google.cz/books?id=L_IXUtw_w-AC&pg=PT227&lpg=PT227&dq=sharing+file+through+irssi&source=bl&ots=KtJH9VUKol&sig=ACfU3U3lJvUgSX_SSHPC2xH_ba6mhfm2NQ&hl=en&sa=X#v=onepage&q=sharing%20file%20through%20irssi&f=false - nice linux basics with some advanced * https://lifehacker.com/become-a-command-line-ninja-with-these-time-saving-shor-5743814 - nice and useful bash hacks * http://portingkit.com/en/ - nice solution howto make DOS/WINDOWS game running on MACosX [in my case Stalker : Shadow of Chernobyl] * https://github.com/oh-my-fish/oh-my-fish/blob/master/docs/Themes.md - nice set of themes for FISH [bash replacement] * https://pioneerspacesim.net/#slide0 - brew install pioneer - some game with cosmic flights, fights and intergalactic trading included... could be downloaded by BREW * http://www.vapoursynth.com/doc/pluginlist.html - wanna try MPV player which should be Mplayer2 + youtube-dl included, here are list of plugins too * * investigate howto make DCC functional and run DCC server on Darkstar * * reuse of wiki change to IRC from brmlab * * plan the door open/closed to finish * * to wake up GIT on server and git knowledge * * configure VIM between work servers [by GIT ideally] + . config tmux [learn tmux serach] * package manager for Fish shell * http://ixirc.com/ - serch engine forDCC dp * http://send.firefox.com - fast file share, encrypted and relatively huge files